Why does the Mexican cross the road? To save his life! Crossing the road is something Mom drilled into you - look to your left, look to your right, look left again and if nothing is coming cross the road. But how do you manage that when the the rules have changed, traffis is fast and chaotic and there is an extra lane of traffic tou have never seen before?
In the State of Jalisco, as in many others high speed traffic is channelled in four lane highways, each lane is split in two making it an eightlane highway, those lanes have to be crossed if one wants to go on the other side. Some overhead pedestrian walkways exist but they are few and far between. The wrinkle in Puerto Vallarta is that of the eight lanes four are arterial and four are access. The outside lanes are the only lanes that a car can use to get to the side streets or turn into another street. So just imagine if you are on the arterial, the two centre lanes and you have to make a U-turn or go to a side street you have to move over to the access road. This is achieved by looking for a side ramp, and that means ramp as these lanes are pitched at an angle because the access road is usually a couple of feet lower than the middle lanes. When in the access road one stays in it until the street on your right is reached. However if the road you want is on the other side a move peculiar to Mexico has to be made.
The left hand lane of the access lane, at a traffic light, is reserved for vehicles wanting to turn left into a side street on the crossing, or for cars that want to go back the way you came, because the street you want is between lights on the other access road. You are allowed to make U-turns into either the arterial or the collecters going in the opposite direction.
BUT only when the traffic light shows a red light and a green arrow. This combination only exists in Mexico so watch for it. Why the explanation about the traffic lights? Because if you don't understand the order of the lights and which lanes move at what time you will get caught in the general chaos and speed of the traffic.
OK where to cross these eight lanes? In practise one can cross anywhere if one is fast and observant. But for the timid there is only one place to cross - at the lights. Cross only when the lights are red. Stand at the crossing watching the lights one has look for a flashing green, signalling an upcoming red. The traffic will not stop until a red shows so be prepared for cars not stopping when they should. Look left into the lane you are crossing - move to the next kerb - look left again and cross to the opposite traffic direction - look right, both for the red light and possible lightjumpers, cross to the next kerb - now for the tricky one, you are about to cross the inside lane of the access road. LOOK for the flashing green arrow if it is there - STOP until the cars in that lane have passed and then cross the final lane.
Congratulations, if you moved at a fast pace you will make it before the access lane's green arrow comes up and you have crossed the road in one pass. Try it often and you will gain confidence so when your usual adversary tells you to "go play in traffic" you say "OK, I know how!"